Anabolic Steroids Signs / Names

Warning Signs of Illegal Anabolic Steroid Use
- Long-term use
Since a number of the side effects of the use of anabolic steroids create externally recognizable changes, the clues that signal long-term use may be more clear than with some other drugs:
Females may show:
- pronounced muscle development
- growth of facial hair
- male pattern baldness
- deepening of the voice
- decreased body fat
- decreased breast size
- oily skin
- excessive body hair growth
- coarsening of the skin
Males, on the other hand, may experience:
- pronounced muscle development
- acne
- breast development
- male pattern baldness
- oily skin
Overdose or Very Serious Side Effects of Anabolic Steroid use
In recognizing an overdose of anabolic steroids, these are some signs to look for. Note that while none of these is a sure sign of anabolic steroid use, any of them are signs of a situation that should be checked by a medical professional:
- any signs of a life-threatening situation, including:
- difficulty breathing signaled by wheezing, chest tightness, or a bad cough
- fever
- itching
- blue skin
- fits or seizures
- swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or throat
- anorexia (lack of appetite)
- marked excitability
- yellow skin or eyes
- rash
- severe nausea or vomiting
- inability to pass urine
- penile erection of longer than 4 hour duration
Another sign of use can be the use of any of the street names for anabolic steroids.
What are Anabolic Steroids called?
Picking up on the street names may provide a clue to the drug being abused. Since, according to the website of the Office of National Drug Control Policy as well as others, the brand names of anabolic steroids are used on the street, and since the “nicknames” are few, in this case, if they are correct, identification may be straightforward. They are presented here grouped by usage and method of administration.
Veterinary Steroids
- Abolic
- Dianabol
- Equipose
- Finajet/finaject
- Winstrol V
Injectable Steroids
- Anatrofin
- Bolasterone
- Deca-Duabolin
- Delatestryl
- Dep-testosterone
- Dihydrolone
- Durabolin
- Dymethzine
- Enoltestovis
- Methatriol
- Quinolone
- Sustanon 250
- Therobolin
- Trophobolene
- Sustanon 250
- Therobolin
- Trophobolene
Oral Steroids
- Anadrol
- Anavar
- Maxibolin
- Methyltestosterone
- Parabolin
- Proviron
- Winstrol
Injectable and Oral Steroids
- Primbolin
- Primobolan
Steroid Nicknames
As is often the case with street names, some of those from anabolic steroids are variations on the substance’s real name:
- Asteroids
- Roids
- Steds
Some refer to steroid effects:
- Pumpers
- Weight trainers
Others refer to other items associate with it • a particular approach to using the drug, a person who has admitted to using them, the place where they are often sold:
- Arnolds (named for Arnold Schwarzenegger, now governor of California, who used steroids as part of his training for the Mr. Olympia bodybuilding competitions)
- Gym candy
- Juice
- Stackers
Warning Signs, Overdose, Names of Anabolic Steroids Sources